We care FOR you

Caring For Your Wellness Needs

Hope First

To restore our community empower to the lives that have been experienced by violence, crisis, property and and trauma.


Christian homeless home for women.

0 +
Years of
  • Provides organizational support for future operations 
  • Provides programs, long-lasting impact
  • Forever changing lives one soul at a time. 
ABout Us

We Care For You Best

Our work begins with meeting the needs of women by offering food, shelter, clothing, meals, education, guidance, and transportation. With your help we can make a difference and be able to give much more.

Hope First will continue to adapt to the changing needs of our community and women in crisis, we invite you to explore our site we are confident that it will inspire you to partner with our purpose.

HOPE First Job Development Programs helps women learn the skills they need to find, keep, and maintain their job. HOPE First job development program allows women to improve their skills needed to enhance their computer skills, building relationships, interviewing skills, conflict resolutions, confidence and communication skills enabling them to be more employable.

Our Services

Where Do You Need Attention?

Home Care

Professionals that ensure your safety concerns are meet

Health Screenings

Wellness and health care that keeps our clients in top shape

At HOPE First we recognize that health is wealth and health, and wellness are essential for residents to overcome barriers to permanent housing. HOPE First provides on-site Health & Wellness Coordinator who is a certified health and wellness Life Coach, Certified Fitness Trainer, Mindful Coach, and certified Peer Recovery Supporter we offer physical assessments, one on one coaching, group coaching, recovery coaching, addiction referrals, peer support groups, and health education.



  • 3 bed home for emergency shelter in a safe and clean atmosphere
  • Capacity for 3 women and children.
  • Offers a kitchen, meals, food, laundry services, personal care items, toiletries, internet, phone and bedding.
  • Supportive services which includes referrals to community resources.
  • Weekly meetings creating goals and plans to accomplish them.
  • Assistance in resolving employment, mental health, wellness and housing issues.
  • Weekly Job Readiness training.
  • Job searching training.
  • Aid in securing permanent, stable housing.
  • Financial assistance with rent and security deposit.

HOPE First strives to encourage women attainment of permanent housing by providing a Christian supportive environment that includes programs of education, advocacy, self-love, coping skills and empowerment. 

HOPE First transitional home and its leadership team is committed to helping ones escape from the cycle of homelessness, abuse, mental, physical, emotional, financial, and neglect. The leadership team  is committed to helping empower you, push you and hold you accountable to live the life you truly desire.

By joining us you will be apart of the greatest change over our community to stop violence, homelessness, crisis. Your generosity through donation will help women to feel safe, confident and a sense of self worth which would be greatly appreciated.

Empowerment is a tool used to gain confidence to create their own lives, guides you into making decisions, helps you reach goals and helps you help others. Gaining empowerment allows one to become stronger and more confidence willingness to practicing self-care and positive self-talk which helps break the cycle of homelessness so people can live healthier, hopeful lives.

Our promise


Carmen Williams looks to partner with caring like minded people and organizations in the community. We help victims of trauma to rebuild their lives and create a safe space that foster holistic dialogue that will impact our community.

Why choose us

We are committed to a standard of excellence that honors the Lord through:


We believe that all people are created in God’s image with dignity and self-worth. God created everyone with a purpose and for a purpose… Our beliefs provide motivation to service people in need. Hope First helps them become self-sufficient, empowered, responsible, reliable, committed and a Godly person of integrity.

Psalm 71:5

You are my trust my hope, O Lord God.

1 Cor 13:13

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Encourage

Hebrews 12:1

Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.

Healthy Activities

Akron, Ohio


Why Us?



Life Coach
  • Well-trained, caring Christian staff 
  • The home implements programs and services daily.
  • The home is clean, well-maintained.
  • The is fully furniture
  • Compassion.
  • Programs and services demonstrating the love of Christ to all.
  • The home is considered respectful with dignity.

 We support residents as they exit the home into permanent housing. This program provides, health and wellness support and a successful transition into a new environment and improve long-term housing stability through established relationships referrals. Carmen Williams provides services for individual growth and stability.

Finding Purpose Program consist of skills for everyone as need.


  • Coaching 
  • Group coaching
  • Building relationships
  • Confidence building
  • Group journaling
  • Boosting self-esteem
  • Finding purpose

When entering home, each resident is paired with a Life Coach within 48 hours to create an individualized service plan with goals to address their unique barriers to attaining permanent housing.

Women who enter home with children are assigned a Life Coach to ensure that the educational, emotional, and material needs of each are being met. HOPE First offers a variety of classes to develop skills, increase confidence, boost self-esteem, stop procrastinating, over thinking and attain self-sufficiency during their stay in the home.

Education Program residences can utilize as follows:

  • Microsoft Office, Word 2000-2018, Excel, Power Point,
  • Procrastination
  • Stress management
  • Fear of change 
  • Goal planning
  • Finding purpose
  • Interviewing skills
  • Resume building
  • Improve “soft” employment skills employers look for, such as: proper attitude, appropriate dress, problem solving, being reliable, working with co-workers and punctuality.
  • Preparation for their transition to move out of the Residential Program 
  • The Job Development Coordinator works with the residents to identify skills and assess what kind of jobs would be most suitable for them. 
  • Success in the Job Development program is completion of classes enabling residents to secure employment, vocational training or continue their education.

We Are Available For A Home Care Consultation

HOPE: Healthy – Opportunities – Providing –  Empowerment